BVM - Jan 2015 - page 35

Business View - January 2015 35
ince of Alberta as well.
The most typical RTM customer is “more mature,” Wy-
att Zacharias said, and oft-times looking for a second
home or a cottage near a lake. The client range does
include a lot of first-time homebuyers, too, he said,
while the agricultural buildings are typically purchased
by dairy, chicken and grain farmers.
“One of the things that sets us apart with our RTMs is
we do more of a unique style with a cottage look. We do
our own log work here. None of our other RTM compe-
tition really does anything like that,” Lance Zacharias
said. “We focus on quality a lot and we focus on being
custom. So if a customer comes in and they’re looking
for something just their own and they don’t want any-
body else to have anything like it, we can build it. Some
of the other competition just builds and sells the same
units, over and over.”
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