BVM - Nov, 2014 - page 29

Business View - November 2014 29
in Henderson – roughly two hours southwest of Lou-
isville – though service work is done across the conti-
nental United States. In fact, Roth said, the company
has “probably been in every state this year” except
Alaska and Hawaii. The use of office trailers or rented
space is sometimes required for particularly prolonged
“Most of the time, projects are somewhat short in du-
ration and we travel to where we’ve got to be,” he said.
“And when we’re done, we pack up and move to the
next site.
“We get around pretty good.”
The Allstate business is comprised of three main func-
tions dedicated to service, fabrication and material
handling. Typical customers of the service component
are broadcasters, cable television, cellular business-
es, utilities and government entities. The fabrication
business provides materials to cellular providers and
general contractors, while the material-handling side
caters primarily to millwrights, agricultural companies,
railroads and oil/gas interests. Allstate has products
erected in 28 countries around the world, and looks
forward to expanding that exposure.
In terms of competition, Roth estimated 20 or 30
companies exist on the service side that “can do the
things we do,” but said Allstate separates itself from
the others by focusing on customer needs, variable
timeframes and by setting and maintaining high stan-
dards for safety. As OSHA increases regulations in the
telecommunication industry, he said, Allstate is poised
to stay ahead of those regulations with an intense and
rigorous safety training program.
The majority of company revenue comes from its ser-
vice work, he said, but fabrication is now about one-
third and is progressing at a pace that will soon put it
Allstate Tower
Full-service tower contracting division
of the Pittsburg Tank & Tower Group, manufactur-
ing solid rod, self-supporting, guyed towers and
monopoles for the broadcast, cable, utility and
telecommunications industries
Henderson, Ky.
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