BVM August, 2016 - page 83

Business View Magazine - August 2016 83
and since then we’ve developed a cycling master plan.
We’re implementing that every year either with dedi-
cated bicycling lanes or with ‘Share the Road’ type
signage. And we’re doing that in conjunction with the
County of Oxford, so that some of these routes join up
with their cycling master plan; some of their routes
coming into town join up with ours.”
Recently, Ingersoll got some funding from the Canada
150 Community Infrastructure Program which is part
of the Government of Canada’s celebration of the
country’s 150th anniversary of Confederation. Law-
son says that the money will go to replacing all the
windows in the Town Hall, the building’s boiler, and
its antiquated building automation system. “So, we’re
replacing all of that to make the building more effi-
cient, and we’re also looking at replacing all the light-
ing in the building with LEDs,” she says. The town has
already replaced all its street lighting with LEDs and
hopes to replace the lighting in other town buildings
over the next couple of years with LEDs, as well.
As Ingersoll continues to upgrade its infrastructure,
Lawson remarks that the town is continuing to grow.
“In the three years I’ve been here, we’ve issued more
residential permits each year,” she says. “We have a
64-unit development going up, right now, a 44-unit
development, and another 22-unit development going
up. And then, we’ve got a number of other ones that
are in site or draft-plan approval.”
Ingersoll has certainly grown and developed from the
days when it was the “Cheese Capital” of Ontario. To-
day, the town is a great place to live and work and is
now better known as “Festival Town Ontario.” It offers
great schools, a variety of parks and open spaces,
unique shops, various cultural offerings, many employ-
ment opportunities, and a wide range of new, quality
homes in desirable locations. It is a town that truly
lives up to its motto: “Prosperity Through Progress.”
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