Manor, Texas
A City Blueprint for Sustainable Growth and Community Development
Strategically planning for the future by fostering workforce readiness, expanding affordable housing, and enhancing critical infrastructure.
Manor, Texas, a burgeoning suburb, is swiftly becoming a hub of activity and growth. As one of the fastest-growing areas in the region, it’s a place where community spirit thrives, bolstered by a range of local events and initiatives designed to bring residents together.
Mayor Dr. Christopher Harvey passionately describes life in Manor. “We have a lot of folks focused on community programming and events. We work together to solve problems and support each other during crises,” he says. This weekend, for example, marks the eagerly anticipated Manorpalooza event—a two-day festival that epitomizes the city’s vibrant communal life. “Our residents appreciate these annual events,” Mayor Harvey continues. “They allow us to come out, bring family and friends, and just relax without any cost.”
The emphasis on community is not merely lip service; it’s embedded in Manor’s fabric. The city’s recent rebranding efforts reflect this, encapsulated in the “Four Ps” slogan—People, Principles, Purpose, and Partnership. These values are more than words; they guide the city’s initiatives and interactions. “It shows our residents and onlookers that we value people,” Mayor Harvey notes, highlighting the numerous park events that foster a sense of appreciation and belonging.
Economic Growth and Strategic Planning
In recent years, Manor, Texas, has experienced remarkable economic growth driven by strategic planning and a welcoming business environment. Mayor Harvey emphasizes the importance of streamlined processes and strong community ties.
“Word is spreading amongst developers and business owners about working with the Scotts—Scott Moore, our City Manager; Scott Jones, our Economic Development Director; and Scott Dunlop, our Director of Development Services,” he explains. While thorough, the team has created a process that avoids placing unnecessary burdens on developers, making Manor an attractive place for new ventures.
Building a sense of community remains at the heart of Manor’s growth strategy. “We talk a lot about building community and ensuring our new partners are invested in and part of the community,” Mayor Harvey says. This inclusive approach resonates with business owners who want to establish their ventures and be integral to the city’s vision and culture.
City Manager Scott Moore adds insight into the recent influx of business interest. “Home Depot has broken ground and aims to be completed in eight months,” he notes. This is just one example of how developments are starting to fall into place, thanks to strategic agreements like the 380 agreement approved in 2022. This agreement has paved the way for developments that meet the community’s needs.
Moore also mentions other potential business ventures (national retailers) have looked into opportunities here,” he reveals. While deals are not yet finalized, interest from such major retailers signals a promising future. “We encourage everyone looking at Manor to partner with us now and secure their spot, as land availability is quickly diminishing,” Moore advises.
Addressing Housing Affordability and Availability
Manor, Texas, is not just focused on commercial growth but also tackling the pressing issue of housing affordability and availability. Moore highlights a crucial initiative from last year.
“The city council adopted the Public Facility Corporation, which allows us to look at affordable housing options,” he explains. Previously, this tool was only available at the county level. Now, Manor can leverage it to ensure that rental prices remain within reach for families. “We have one project about to kick start and another in the feasibility stage,” he notes. One project will offer 264 units, with 50% designated as affordable. Another project aims to add 300 units under similar conditions.
The council’s strategy also involves adjusting income criteria to reflect better Manor’s demographics rather than Austin’s higher income levels. This nuanced approach aims to make housing genuinely affordable for residents. “We focus more on what our Public Facility Corporation can offer our residents and their income,” Moore says, indicating a tailored approach to housing needs.
Mayor Harvey elaborates on the city’s broader housing strategy. “We’ve talked about density and different housing opportunities,” he says. Several new developments are underway along significant routes like 290 and 973 towards Taylor. These include traditional homes, townhomes, and duplex-style properties that provide more affordable options. “These townhomes look like duplexes but can be bought individually,” he explains, highlighting the innovative solutions being implemented.
This focus on housing is not new for Manor. “Just like in 2008, we’re still growing and putting houses on the ground,” Mayor Harvey states, drawing parallels to previous growth spurts. The continued expansion of housing stock, combined with strategic planning and innovative financial tools, emphasizes Manor’s dedication to creating a livable and affordable environment for all its residents.
Workforce Development and Education Initiatives
As Manor, Texas, continues to grow, workforce development remains a top priority for the city’s leadership. The city is actively engaging with educational institutions and industry partners to ensure residents are well-prepared for the job market, addressing the critical labor shortage issue head-on.
Mayor Harvey highlights this collaboration. “Our city staff talk to companies about the opportunities within our school district,” he says. He also emphasizes the partnership with Austin Community College (ACC). “Manor residents pay into ACC with their taxes, and the entire class of 2024 will have free tuition and fees,” he explains. This initiative allows students to pursue associate or bachelor’s degrees at no cost, a significant boon for local families.
This focus on education directly ties into Manor’s efforts to attract healthcare providers. “One of our primary areas that needs skilled people is nursing, one of the bachelor’s degrees offered by ACC,” the mayor points out. By providing free education in high-demand fields, Manor is creating a pipeline of skilled workers ready to meet the needs of local employers.
The emphasis on workforce readiness extends beyond healthcare. “Manufacturing is another big area for our region,” Mayor Harvey notes. The availability of free education in manufacturing-related degrees and certificates means that local students can gain the skills needed for jobs in this sector without incurring debt.
Mayor Harvey also mentions ongoing discussions with various companies and organizations. “We’re talking with Opportunity Austin, Tesla, Samsung, Applied Materials, Ronstadt, and others about workforce development,” he says. These conversations aim to align educational outcomes with industry needs, ensuring graduates are ready for the job market.
The city is also working with Workforce Solutions on pre-job readiness programs. “I have a meeting this week to explore job readiness opportunities and see if they can fund it,” he reveals. In addition, the city’s strategic efforts include partnerships with smaller companies, such as Minus Electronics in Round Rock, which trains young people to manufacture through a partnership with the school district.
Enhancing Community Spaces and Infrastructure
Manor, Texas, is not just focusing on economic growth and workforce development but is also committed to enhancing community spaces and infrastructure to improve the quality of life for its residents. Moore outlines recent initiatives to enhance parks and recreational activities for kids and families.
“We’re working with a grant writer to identify the highest and best use for one of our parks,” he says. The grant writer will gather feedback from residents at the upcoming Manorpalooza event to create a master plan, which will then be submitted to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. “We don’t have a lot of open green space, but we’re trying to add features to the spaces we do have for residents to utilize,” Moore explains.
Mayor Harvey highlights a significant milestone for the city: “We successfully passed a bond that will give us our first-ever recreation center, including a library and city hall with community meeting spaces.” This new facility will provide outdoor and indoor spaces that residents have long requested, offering safe places for children and families, particularly during the summer. “The city doesn’t have a library, so this will be our first ever, which goes hand in hand with park and recreation spaces,” he adds.
Beyond recreational spaces, Manor is also focusing on critical infrastructure. “We’re still working as a team for more infrastructure funding,” Mayor Harvey states. City staff are submitting proposals to Congressman McCaul for additional funding for water and wastewater projects. These projects, including the regional wastewater treatment facility, are crucial for opening up more areas for development, whether for parks, homes, schools, or industrial facilities. “This will enable job opportunities and further growth,” he adds.
The mayor also mentions the recent acquisition of land for development projects. “We purchased about 266 acres in total, including 236 acres for a major project that could include sports, entertainment, convention centers, retail, and hotels,” he explains. This development aims to make Manor a regional draw, complementing the growth in surrounding areas. The city has engaged Hunden Partners to conduct a feasibility study to determine the best use of the land. “From only having land for water and wastewater purposes in 2019 to now having land to jump-start our economy and create spaces for the community, we’re excited about that,” Mayor Harvey shares.
Strategic Priorities for Future Growth
As 2024 zooms by, Manor, Texas, is laser-focused on strategic initiatives that will shape its future, ensuring the city remains a desirable place to live, work, and thrive. Moore encapsulates the city’s forward-looking approach.
“Like the mayor said, with the job readiness and initiatives being done through the school and ACC, we can get our families and individuals technically trained and ready,” he asserts. By ensuring a ready workforce, Manor positions itself as an attractive destination for suppliers to major companies like Tesla and Samsung. “If we have a community with a ready workforce and affordable housing, it’s going to put us in a great trajectory to grow into those spaces,” he adds.
Mayor Harvey emphasizes the importance of delivering on community expectations. “The next four years, we want to continue to deliver on things the communities have asked us for,” he says. Key among these priorities are significant infrastructural improvements. “We’ve made some headway in conversations with TxDOT and CTRMA regarding Highway 290 and 973,” he notes. The aim is to see these discussions move from planning to construction, ensuring that Highway 973 is widened and a comprehensive solution for Highway 290 is implemented through to Elgin.
Manor’s strategic initiatives reflect a holistic approach to growth. By focusing on job readiness, affordable housing, and critical infrastructure, the city is poised to support its residents and attract new businesses. This comprehensive plan meets current demands and sets the stage for sustained development and prosperity.
Manor, Texas
What: A fast-growing suburban community.
Where: Texas, USA
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