About Us

Business View Magazine is North America’s best source of news for executives, entrepreneurs, small business owners, franchisees, and anyone else interested in current industry trends and best practices. Every month our digital platform covers the latest developments in manufacturing, construction, infrastructure, supply chain and logistics, health care, food and beverage, and energy.

We also cover the public sector, reporting on the latest advances in municipal public works, green initiatives, and college sustainability programs. It’s another reason that, each month, over 877,000 subscribers check out our reliable, relevant, newsworthy, and timely content.

Business View is a true multi-platform digital media source utilizing the advanced forms of electronic promotion such as web, social media, search engine optimization, smart phone, and tablet. Few other platforms offer the same detail and perspective on the operations, systems, and drivers of both the key and niche industries that drive our economy.

The Business View executive team is a combination of more than 30 years of direct digital publishing experience. We are internally governed by a set of core values rounded out by the following statement:

Integrity is paramount and we will never compromise it.

Our Editorial Staff

Editor in Chief
Karen Surca

Research Directors
Paul Payne
Brendan McElroy
Thomas Hiley
Chad Loveless
Jessica Zaneis
Abel Espinosa
Mike Luchetta
Javier Robles
Abi Aruna
Shane Williams
Stephen Clark
Justin Morrice
Andre Barefield
Jillian Hicks
Ali Ahmed
Sven Hansen

Research Associates
Michelle Siewah
Karissa Sookdeo
Zach Siewah

Contributing Writers
Caroline Verner-Hiley
Michelle Mahoney
Dan Macharia
Brett Anningson
Victoria Gray
Lauren Shoots
Candace Allison
Barclay Ballard
Andrew Macfarlane
Mike Scott
Julie Mikolajczyk
James Mikolajczyk
Veronica Enair
Char Gibb
Alex Knoll

Director of Production
Nicole Scianaro

Director of Marketing
Nora Saliken

Director of Administration
Abel Espinosa

Digital Strategist
Jon Bartlow

Creative Director
Steph van Antwerpen

Matthew Mitchell

Managing Director
Alexander Wynne-Jones

Executive Publisher/CEO
Marcus VandenBrink
