Kerrville, Texas

August 26, 2024

Kerrville, Texas

Small-Town Charm Meets Big-City Ambitions


Rapid economic development at the forefront of quality-of-life improvements for Kerr County residents

Nestled in Kerr County, Kerrville Texas  demonstrates exactly what it means to achieve the perfect balance of community-focused living and dynamic growth potential.

Kerrville leadership has invested a lot of effort into forging strong partnerships with established companies and securing funding for its large-scale projects.

It’s known for its key industries, such as advanced manufacturing and aerospace which anchor the local economy and provide high-quality jobs.

By prioritizing these sectors, Kerrville creates a stable economic base that attracts further investment and innovation.

Supporting small businesses and local entrepreneurs is a crucial priority. Initiatives like tax incentives, business retention programs, and workforce training help Kerville’s enterprises thrive.

Simultaneously, comprehensive planning is essential to align land use with infrastructure capabilities.

The city constantly updates its master water, wastewater, and transportation plans to ensure that it can accommodate growth without straining resources.

Leadership is acting not just with economic development but also with aesthetics and culture in mind.

By emphasizing mixed-use developments Kerrville has invigorated its downtown areas, blending commercial, residential, and recreational spaces to create vibrant community hubs.

Kerrville’s growth strategy coordinates economic expansion with quality-of-life enhancements.

The city is a successfully thriving, well-balanced community with abundant economic opportunities, robust infrastructure, and an unparalleled quality of life.


Arcadia Theater

Building a Bright Future One Milestone at a Time

Kerrville has witnessed significant economic milestones in recent years, thanks to the proactive efforts of local leadership and strategic partnerships.

These partnerships are chosen for their quality above anything else. One of the most notable developments is the arrival of Megaacrete, a specialized concrete manufacturing company.

This new venture will create between 40 – 60 jobs and establish a new plant in the area, injecting a much-needed boost into Kerrville’s economic landscape.

The long-term economic impact has been positive, as these partnerships have significantly provided Kerrville with employment opportunities.

“In the past three years, we’ve created over 1,000 primary jobs across various sectors, including aviation, aerospace, advanced manufacturing, and craft agriculture,” says Kerr Economic Development Corp. Executive Director Gilberto Salinas.

The city has effectively triggered job growth in 3 out of 5 of its target industries that were determined to be the most beneficial for long-term growth.

Megaacrete alone represents a $50 to $60 million capital investment and will add significant value to the local economy for many years.

This company’s product, a lightweight yet durable concrete 4x lighter than traditional cinderblocks, is a testament to the advanced manufacturing capabilities being developed in Kerrville.

Another success story is Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing, which has been in the community for three years and continues to expand rapidly, enhancing Kerrville’s position in the aviation industry.


While it is a priority, Kerrville’s leaders aren’t just looking to make economic milestones. They are also steadily upgrading the city’s residential amenities.

“We’re building what will be called the Guadalupe River Center. It’ll be along the banks of Nimitz Lake and will be a conference center. But it’ll also allow us to enhance what we do on that lake, including handicapped accessibility for our community,” says former Mayor Judy Eychner.

This center is symbolic of a larger intention that Kerrville’s current mayor holds for the city’s development.

“We’re very pro-growth, pro-business, and pro-sustainable growth. So, we want to stay within our natural resources to make sure that the quality of life, that small-town feel, doesn’t go away… it’s a balancing act,” says Mayor Joe Herring.

Refining the Residential Experience

Kerrville is also expanding its housing and education sectors to support its growing population.

The city has partnered with Lennar Homes for an initial development that will result in 134 new homes, some of which are being considered for workforce housing.

“The city partnered with Lennar to set a guaranteed price for those homes to keep it at that workforce level, and they’re already working on the design of their second development which will be upwards of 500 homes,” says Director of Developmental Services Drew Paxton.

This will be developed closer to Kerrville’s High and Middle Schools,  and there are even plans to convert a former school site into a mixed-used space, once again following Mayor Herring’s intention to develop with the citizens in mind.

Retail expansions will also accompany these housing projects, further stimulating the local economy and providing residents with more shopping and dining options.

Kerville’s local university is playing a pivotal role in the city’s development with its newly introduced programs, including an aviation program, and the establishment of a college-level football team. The aim of the city is always to ensure that the right programs fit with the outlined needs of the community.

Additionally, the city has made significant efforts to address and enhance its childcare capabilities.

“We’ve worked with some of our local childcare institutions and created the Kroc Center which recently launched its childcare program,” Salinas explains.

These initiatives not only enhance educational opportunities but also contribute to the community’s cultural and recreational life, attracting students and visitors to Kerrville.

Housing and education are important, but that is only half of the residential experience.  The other half is public safety and infrastructure.

Another major project underway is the construction of a new public safety building, which is expected to be completed within the next year and a half.

This facility will enhance the capabilities of local emergency services, ensuring the safety and well-being of Kerrville residents.

Additionally, the city is updating its Water and Wastewater Master Plan to include new areas of development near Nimitz Lake.

“It ties with the comprehensive plan, so it’ll incorporate the existing water and wastewater plan,” Paxton confirms, mentioning that the same location-focused strategy is being integrated into master area plans for other city sectors, namely downtown.


Securing the Economic Horizon

Kerrville is increasingly becoming a hub for corporate headquarters. Companies like James Avery, Mooney International, and the HEB Foundation have chosen Kerrville as their base of operations.

This strategic positioning is attracting more businesses to the area, contributing to the economic diversification and resilience of the community.

Kerrville leadership is doing everything possible to supplement the influx and expansion of business within the city.

Kerrville’s Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) program plays a crucial role in supporting local industries.

Through partnerships with state agencies and organizations like the Texas Workforce Commission, the BRE program facilitates workforce training and other expansion needs.

Companies such as James Avery and Fox Tank have benefited from these initiatives, helping to sustain and grow local businesses.

Workforce challenges are a common issue across many sectors, and Kerrville is no exception.

This is why Mayor Herring’s plan for Kerrville’s development is so community

and culture-focused.

Leaders of smaller cities have the advantage of being able to know much more about their residents’ lifestyles than what’s possible with larger cities.

These initiatives aren’t just aimed at growth, they are aimed at growth that the city of Kerrville especially needs, it is tailored growth.

For example, the new housing developments by Lennar Homes are designed to be affordable for middle-class families, providing the critical mass needed for local industries.  Mayor Herring, along with Council member Jeff Harris were able to get the roads in the subdivision named after local fallen veterans from the first and second world wars.

The efforts to expand childcare facilities further support this, ensuring that working parents have access to reliable childcare services.

When combined, the result is a clear message from the city to its residents that it will do everything it can to make living comfortably and affordably as easy as possible.

Kerrville’s economic development strategy includes attracting companies that are capital-intensive but require fewer employees.

Megaacrete exemplifies this approach, with its high-value jobs attracting residents who currently commute long distances for work.

This strategy helps retain the existing workforce within the community, supporting both economic and social stability.

Moving forward, with so many key economic developments soon set for completion, infrastructure remains a key area of sustainability.

Much like the recent updates to the water and wastewater master plans, the city’s leaders will continue to identify areas needing investment, ensuring that the city’s growth does not overextend past its capacity and population.

While it might seem that rapid upward growth is 100% a good thing, if the city does not have the workforce or supporting services to sustain that growth, it will ultimately end in decline.

Kerrville’s growth and success are driven by a combination of strategic economic development, community-focused projects, and a commitment to maintaining the area’s quality of life.

With continued investment in housing, infrastructure, and education, Kerrville is well-positioned to thrive in the coming years.

The community’s proactive approach ensures that it remains a charming, desirable place to live while embracing new opportunities for economic and social advancement.

As Mayor Herring says, Kerrville’s journey will continue to be a balancing act between small-town values and big-city initiatives.


Kerrville, Texas

What:  A  small town in Texas that is successfully balancing rapid economic development with maintaining its unique charm and quality of life.

Where: Kerrville, Texas, USA



RREAF Holdings –

RREAF Holdings, a privately held commercial real estate firm based in Dallas, Texas, has been a critical player in the industry for 37 years. With a proven track record, RREAF operates under five main divisions catering to middle America: value-add multifamily acquisitions and development, opportunistic hotel and resort acquisitions, ground-up development (housing and leisure), highly amenitized master-planned developments, and acquisition and re-development of RV Resort Communities.

Recognized for its robust portfolio and strategic developments, RREAF Holdings sees immense potential in the Kerr County market. Kerrville, the county seat of Kerr County, is a scenic city in the Texas Hill Country, known for its environment, culture, and growing economy. The city’s appeal to residents and developers make it an attractive destination.

Kerrville has experienced a surge in demand for housing due to increased net migration, favorable cost of living, status as a popular retirement community, and allure to young professionals and families seeking a high quality of life. This growing demand has outpaced the available housing supply, creating a significant need for new, quality residential developments.

RREAF Holdings has already made a substantial impact on the Kerrville housing market. The 2018 development of a 120-unit apartment community, Sendero Ridge, marked RREAF’s entry into the region, providing much-needed housing options and setting the standard for future projects.

Committed to bringing more inventory to the ever-evolving Kerrville market, RREAF Holdings focuses on developing properties that meet the community’s needs. With RREAF currently owning two sites in Kerr County totaling ~240 acres and its long-standing expertise and innovative approach to real estate development, RREAF Holdings is well-positioned to address the increased housing demand in Kerrville.


August 2024 cover of Business View Civil and Municipal

August 2024

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