BVM August, 2016 - page 117

Business View Magazine - August 2016 117
gas transmission pipes that are taking natural gas into
Mexico for power generation.”
What providentially replaced fracking sand for TXPF,
but still kept it firmly in the service of the energy sec-
tor, is the Trans Pecos Pipeline being laid by a com-
pany called Energy Transfer Partners. When complet-
ed in 2017, the 143-mile, 42-inch diameter pipeline
will originate outside Fort Stockton in northern Pecos
County, Texas and run to the U.S. – Mexico boundary
near Presidio. It will transport 1.4 billion cubic feet per
day of natural gas to local towns and utilities in Central
West Texas and on into Mexico via the country’s Fed-
eral Electricity Commission.
“That’s the most significant new client,” Grindstaff
says. “It’s a huge international project. We’ve been
moving pipe for almost a year. It was unexpected and
quite fortuitous for us. The pipeline layout almost par-
allels our railroad tracks, so we were the natural car-
rier for that. It crosses the international border just
north of Presidio and goes to Chihuahua City. We won
the contract over the Union Pacific so I’m pretty proud
of it.”
Another ongoing project that Grindstaff says will help
the line diversify its client base is the rebuilding of the
Texas-Pacifico Transportation Company
A short line railroad in West Texas
San Angelo, Texas
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