GRITT Business Coaching (GRITT)
providing proven and tangible results
Providing Results-driven business coaching accessible beyond the executive level, GRITT Business Coaching offers companies the techniques to succeed
Unmistakable core values such as responsibility, goal-setting, teamwork-, and tolerance of failure as a route to learning, underpin the work that GRITT Business Coaching (GRITT) does every day. Providing the tools to succeed for companies across the United States and helping to implement these skills also forms the backbone of GRITT’s operating model.
GRITT is a multidisciplinary business coaching firm that specializes in three pivotal areas: Business Literacy, Financial Literacy, and People Literacy. By combining these key focuses, GRITT guides its clients to engage their workforce, sharpen their leadership skills, and create a learning culture that fosters positive growth. In effect, GRITT helps clients take back control of their business.
GRITT’s tools include:
- Profit & Cash®:Teaches financial literacy to improve productivity and performance), Huddles (fosters team communication with impact)
- Scoreboards:Connects teams with organizational goals),
- GRITTPulse:Identifies themes and initiatives to enhance culture, performance, and satisfaction),
- GRITTrac: GRITT’s proprietary goal tracking system
- H3 Leadership Methodology: Develops leadership presence in teamsPatrick Carpenter, President at GRITT, outlines the importance of a comprehensive, goal-driven approach to business coaching. “Our purpose, what we stand for at GRITT, is really quite simple. We help people become better at work and in life through deep engagement and understanding. We have many struggling businesses turn to us for help when their staff isn’t engaged. The number one engagement question staff ask themselves is: Does my supervisor care about me as a person? If your team answers this question negatively, your level of engagement will be low.”
Carpenter elaborates on his first point by highlighting that “The questions employers tend to ask themselves are: How can I increase my cash flow? How can I raise productivity? How can I improve performance? The answer lies in engagement. The problem is, the percentage of workers employed in the US that feel engaged in the work they do is as low as 36%.”
“ Our goal is to blow that number out of the water. GRITT advocates “Whole-Person Leadership” – that treating people with respect and building trust and having fun is not something that can only happen at work, leaders can bring that into their personal lives as well. \ We work with leaders at organizations of all sizes to empower their leadership presence and provide actionable, measurable goals to raise the bar in engagement, skills, and development.”
GRITT helps companies achieve this by focusing on three key coaching areas: Business Literacy, Financial Literacy, and People Literacy. Business Literacy is required for leaders to understand and implement the processes, skills, and techniques needed to scale a business successfully. Financial Literacy is often the area least considered by leadership.
Carpenter explains. “Most companies only have one or two team members with a deep financial acumen. This means that, unless they are told, leadership often has no idea whether their company is really winning or losing the financial game.”
He continues, “GRITT looks at the three scorecards of success or failure: the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow statement. We have a proprietary Profit & Cash simulation that has taught approximately 700,000 people financial best practices, such as having a good rhythm of financial check-ins and processes in place to properly measure success.”
“The result is financial transparency- a democratic style of business cadence that means every team member is involved in and understands their company’s budget,” he notes.
GRITT’s third focus area is People Literacy, which helps businesses engage, motivate, understand, and communicate with their staff effectively.
“Never before have we had so many diverse voices in the meeting room. It is absolutely critical that we understand new and emerging generations- people want to be seen, heard, and valued. When they have that, they thrive. This is a real shift from the traditional approach, which doesn’t really focus on communication or process growth. We need to bridge this generational gap- and this goes beyond diversity, equity, and inclusion. This is about what makes humans tick,” Carpenter says.
Providing an example, Carpenter further illustrates that “Warren Buffett said, in order to improve American businesses, we need to hire more women CEOs”. I couldn’t agree more. GRITT believes having a senior executive group that properly represents diversity in age, gender, and cultural background is the only way to achieve discretionary innovation and maintain a psychologically safe and smart workplace.”
GRITT has the ability to offer its services online, in person, or hybrid. All coaches are required to undertake vigorous training, Carpenter says. “We have a standard GRITT coach training process for all our employees. It’s a big undertaking that can take up to a year. This is because we don’t just outline a set of techniques or skills; we teach people the art of being a coach. We offer them the art of giving and receiving feedback, being authentic and humble, and how to guide- not to boss- others.”
This organization also has a unique ability to guide companies as they navigate the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) market. Carpenter sits on the culture committee of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Association. His mother, Jill Carpenter, was a pioneer in the ESOP space and one of the earliest providers to work with the National Center for Employee Ownership.
Carpenter’s mom is the inspiration that fuels Patrick’s commitment to business coaching. He shares,
“My Mom was a true innovator- she co-authored a book ‘The Power of Open Book Management: Releasing the True Potential of Minds, Hearts, and Hands’, in a time where business transparency was basically non-existent. She was a tremendous person who broke a lot of glass ceilings for women and rose to be one of the first woman executives in Kansas City. After she passed, I realized that to honor her legacy, I had to carry on her mission to create lasting change.”
The future for GRITT Business Coaching looks bright. With a focus on scale and expansion fuelled by careful and deliberate hiring, training, and preparation, this organization aims to create true change in the global business sphere.
Carpenter concludes, “We want to see a business world that is built on a foundation of trust, engagement, learning, and growth. For companies to achieve this, they have to educate their people, and most of them are going to need help to do so. GRITT is going to stand proudly next to the companies that are committed to fostering better workplaces, supporting them as they inspire the rest of the world to do the same.”
GRITT Business Coaching (GRITT)
What: Goals-driven coaching for professionals looking to engage staff, grow skills, and create a positive learning culture in their business
Where: GRITT is headquartered in Holts Summit, MO