Farmington, Minnesota – Dakota County

July 29, 2024

Farmington, Minnesota

A warm welcome in the agricultural heartland


A Friendly and Supportive Community anticipating a fruitful future

Aptly named, the city of Farmington began as a thriving agricultural community, with settlers putting down roots in the prosperous land in the early 1850s. Today, Farmington is part of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan area and home to a growing population of just over 23,000 residents, with bold things happening.

Deanna Kuennen, Community and Economic Development Director, states, “It’s not just a city. We value our neighborhoods, our people, our businesses, and we’re interested in attracting others that fit within that overall community vibe.” She continues, “We have heard multiple businesses say, ‘This community will not let me fail.’ So, our focus has been on how we can preserve that environment while positioning ourselves for the future.”

Noting that Farmington is a very family-oriented city, Steve Wilson, City Councilor and Chair of the Farmington Economic Development Authority adds, “We’re a really friendly community. The businesses take care of each other, the neighborhoods are all unique and connected, and people know one another. You’re in a place when you’re in Farmington, it’s not just a suburb that you’re passing through.”

A Positive Housing Outlook

Kuennen highlights the significant strides Farmington is making in addressing housing needs. “We are turning a corner,” she shares. “Our single-family home development this year is on track to outpace the last number of years. What’s great about this is there’s a variety and a diversity of housing being built. We’re hitting the different price points, and we’re addressing the various needs.”

A noteworthy development is the first market-rate, multifamily apartment building Farmington has seen in over 30 years. This project, The Emery, set to open in late September, has already sparked interest from additional multifamily housing developers. Another project with 168 market-rate units just completed the entitlement process. Kuennen recounts, “We are making sure that as we’re pursuing and working with these multifamily housing developers, we’re working with people who want to be here, and developers who appreciate what this community has to offer, because we are different from our neighbors.”

Infrastructure Investment

Planning Manager, Tony Wippler talks about Farmington’s infrastructure projects, including a joint venture with Hiawatha Broadband (HBC) to build out a community-wide fiber network. “We are putting fiber into most of our parks, providing free Wi-Fi for park visitors. This is a huge benefit, both for residents and people visiting,” he maintains

Farmington is also undertaking a mid-cycle update of its comprehensive plan, with a focus on rezoning and planning for a recently annexed 570 acres, as well as guiding the agricultural land throughout Farmington. “We’re being proactive and not reactive, to determine our future. The comprehensive plan update allows us to figure out the future land guidance,” says Wippler. “With that, we also look at the infrastructure, the water, the sewer, even roads.” He adds that the Council has expressed they want to see additional areas guided for commercial and industrial uses along the city’s transportation corridors to ensure ample opportunities for business growth.

Kuennen remarks that Farmington’s City Engineer and Public Works Director has made significant strides in addressing critical infrastructure projects during his first year and a half in the role.

“He has worked closely with the City Council to complete some projects that had been put on hold that are super critical when it comes to our transportation network and our pavement,” she reports, adding that he has implemented a pavement management rating system, which is now being used to systematically roll out road and trail improvements.

“That isn’t necessarily the sexy stuff people like to talk about. But they are important foundational improvements that have happened over this last year that are setting us on the right path to make sure that we have good roads, and that our trails, which are something that our community greatly values, are taken care of.”

A Dynamic Economy

Wilson points out the positive collaboration between the staff and the council, noting a dramatic shift in the working relationship. He states, “I’ve lived here 20 years, and we have accomplished more in one year, both in planning and execution, than we have in the previous 19. We have a good team and we’re embracing the idea that we are probably going to have to be a little bit uncomfortable to achieve what we’re looking for.”

When it comes to business attraction, the community thrives on supporting enterprises that align with Farmington’s unique vibe. “We are one of those communities that is supportive of the individual entrepreneur, which I think is a big deal,” acknowledges Wilson. “Because we believe individual entrepreneurs are just as important as the big brand names.”

This proactive mindset has sparked interest from potential investors, recognizing the city’s supportive environment. “People are checking us out. They want to find out what land is available. They see how the council is supporting business, how the council is working with staff, and how we work well together.” Wilson recounts.

“It’s often said that ‘plans without action are just words on paper’. We’ve turned that around and are turning words on paper into action. That’s a big deal. We are no longer tripping over ourselves.”

Kuennen mentions the ongoing discussions with property owners and developers in the downtown area, such as the new owners of the historic Security Bank building, who have a dream of creating a coffee and wine bar. “It’s a historic structure, and they’re working through their design plans right now. It’s fun to sit down and have these conversations and listen to them talk about all the various things that they want to accomplish,” she conveys.

On the industrial side, recent developments, such as the expansion announcement of the national trucking company R&L Carriers, underscore Farmington’s appeal as a prime destination for businesses. “It was a pretty big win years ago for the community when a major trucking company moved here. Now they have announced a 100,000 square foot expansion in Farmington, which I think is a big deal and shows confidence in what we are doing as a city,” depicts Wilson.


Preserving Quality of Life

Kellee Omlid, Parks and Recreation Director, emphasizes the city’s commitment to enhancing life for all residents, through continued investments in parks, recreational facilities, and community services. Recent efforts have been focused on upgrading Rambling River Park, which Omlid says needed revitalization to be a more inviting gateway to the community. She relays, “We went through a master planning process and we did tons of public engagement.

Through the process we came up with a plan, and this year we’re implementing the plan.” Part of this initiative is the introduction of an inclusive playground with poured-in-place rubber surfacing. “We don’t have that anywhere in Farmington, and for our friends and neighbors who have mobility issues, this is a huge win. We will draw people to our community because of this park,” Omlid depicts. It doesn’t stop there. The city is also pursuing a $350,000 matching grant from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for the construction of a new skate park.

Thanks to a $750,000 Community Funding Project Grant from the federal government, and further support from Council, the Rambling River Center (senior center) is also undergoing major renovations. “We completed a master planning process for the Senior Center in January, working with an architect to design a plan for us,’ Omlid elaborates, “We knew we only had $750,000, but the total improvements had about a $1.8 million price tag.” Instead of completing the project in separate phases, the City Council agreed to fund the entire project, showing dedication towards Farmington’s senior population.

Farmington has also secured a No Child Left Inside grant from the Minnesota DNR, which will be used to purchase resources such as archery equipment and snowshoes, benefitting both youth and senior programs. Further enhancing opportunities in the community, a $16,000 donation from Minnwest Bank, along with contributions from the McKnight Family, Finch and Daisy Consulting, and the Farmington Community, enabled the purchase of a 12-passenger van, which is being used to transport seniors on various trips and tours. “The love that this city council and community has for our seniors is unbelievable,” Omlid asserts.

A progressive Vision

Looking at all that Farmington has accomplished, Wilson suggests, “We truly embrace the fact that we’re all literally one team. The council and the staff work so well together and push ourselves to succeed and excel in everything, which has created all the opportunities that we’re seeing right now.”

As for what comes next for this vibrant city, Kuennen offers, “We’re going to boldly pursue these plans and ideas that we believe will position us to continue to have this unique community vibe, but in such a way where we’re balancing our tax structure. There is something truly special here and the council has empowered everybody, leadership on down, to want to be here, do good work, and bring ideas forward that truly fit within this vision.”

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Farmington, Minnesota

What: A growing city in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan area.

Where: Dakota County, MN



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