BVM August, 2016 - page 31

Business View Magazine - August 2016 31
It has also strengthened its position in Europe. “The
three largest pipe producers in Europe are all our cus-
tomers, now,” says Lupke, “and our German competi-
tion continues to weaken.” In addition, Lupke remarks
that the competition from Chinese firms is also get-
ting weaker. “The Chinese haven’t executed very well;
they’ve lost momentum. Their equipment has gotten
more expensive, though the quality and service and
after sales has not,” he says.
So, it seems that the last twelve months have been
good ones for this well-known and well-respected fam-
ily business, and after four decades, Manfred Lupke’s
vision, creativity, and determination continues to be
the driving force behind Corma’s ongoing commitment
to its global vision: “To develop and produce superior
pipe manufacturing equipment to pipe manufacturers;
to provide excellent, ongoing service for what we sell;
and to advance the pipe manufacturing industry with
innovative engineering skill and technological achieve-
Adding credence to the last part of that mission state-
ment was Corma’s recent receipt of the Innovation in
Production or Technological Advancement Award pre-
sented by the Vaughan Chamber of Commerce Busi-
ness Achievement Awards - just another feather in the
cap for a company that’s still going strong.
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