Imlay City Community School District – Imlay City, Michigan

July 29, 2024

Imlay City Community School District

Building Strong Connections


Collaboration, innovative instruction and putting students first define this top-rated school district

Imlay City Schools District is a shining example of how dedicated leadership and innovative practices can create a nurturing and successful educational environment. The district, under the guidance of Dr. Stu Cameron, Superintendent of Schools; Dr. Dina Tallis, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction; and Pat Brown, Principal of Imlay City Middle School, is setting new standards in education.

Their strategic vision encompasses fostering strong relationships, embracing technological advancements, and nurturing holistic student development, providing a comprehensive blueprint for success.

Embracing relationships

Dr. Cameron sets the stage by emphasizing the district’s foundational pillars, highlighting the crucial role of relationships. “The power of relationships is our most important focus,” he states. “A positive working relationship with students translates into higher academic outcomes.” The emphasis on relationships extends to faculty and staff, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment essential for educational success.

Academic excellence is not just a goal but a shared achievement in the district. Dr. Cameron proudly shares that Imlay City has been repeatedly recognized by U.S. News & World Report, a demonstration of the collective effort of the entire school community. The district’s approach to leveraging relationships to drive positive academic and child development outcomes for students reflects the community’s commitment to education.

Strong foundations

“We hold a high value for the impact of a quality early learning center,” Dr. Tallis explains. The district has offered full-day childcare since 2010, expanding to include strong preschool programming and infant and toddler care post-COVID. The comprehensive approach ensures children as young as six weeks old receive nurturing care and early learning opportunities, preparing them for future academic success.

Dr. Cameron adds, “We recognize the link between home resources and school readiness. Our early learning programs provide a platform for parents to work with their students in those early stages, preparing them for school and life.” The holistic approach supports academic skills and focuses on social and emotional development, creating well-rounded learners.

Dr. Tallis emphasizes the importance of addressing the childcare shortage in the area, which was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. “Post-COVID, there was a tremendous childcare shortage, especially for infants and toddlers. We expanded our offerings, trained staff, and opened two classrooms to cater to this need,” she says. The district now provides early learning programs from six weeks old to age 12, offering latchkey, full-day childcare, and preschool programming focusing on holistic development.

Middle school STEM

Brown shares insights into the middle school’s approach, particularly its integration of technology and STEM education. “We see a tremendous amount of growth from our sixth to eighth graders,” Brown says. Since COVID, we’ve adopted one-to-one technology with Chromebooks for all our students.” The technological integration and interactive touchscreens in classrooms have modernized the learning experience.

STEM education is a priority, with enrichment courses offered at every grade level. The district recently received a $20,000 grant to enhance its makerspace, which provides students with hands-on opportunities to explore and innovate. Dr. Cameron features the district’s early college program, which focuses on STEM careers and integrates STEM principles across the curriculum to prepare students for the future job market.

The district’s STEM integration is a strategic effort that began over a decade ago. Dr. Cameron explains, “We engaged in grant-funded work to start an early college program focused on STEM careers. This allowed us to provide medical, engineering, and science students an extensive background.” In collaboration with college partners, the early college program offers students a leg up in these fields, aligning with the district’s commitment to forward-thinking education.


Professional development strategies

“We pair positive relationships with expert methodology. Dr. Tallis constructs a professional development program ensuring our teachers receive the best training to engage students effectively”, Dr. Cameron shares. The dual focus on relationships and teaching proficiency creates a dynamic learning environment where students are motivated and supported.

Brown reinforces this: “Building relationships is our number one priority. We know that if kids are comfortable and enjoy being in the classroom, they have a great learning opportunity.” Combined with innovative teaching, this method ensures students are academically successful and enjoy their educational journey.

The district employs various teaching methods, from traditional to cutting-edge, to cater to diverse learning needs. Dr. Tallis details the professional development program, including inquiry-based learning training. Encouraging students to investigate, design, and test solutions to real-world problems. The approach not only enhances critical thinking skills but also prepares students for the complexities of the modern world.

Career/Technical Education and dual enrollment

The enthusiasm for providing real-world experiences and college readiness shines through its preparatory programs and dual enrollment opportunities. Dr. Cameron elaborates on the Career Tech Ed (CTE) program, a consortium offering various programs from mechatronics to health sciences. “About a third of our students participate in the CTE program, gaining credentials that prepare them for immediate entry into the workforce or further education.”

In addition, partnerships with colleges like the University of Michigan and Mott Community College enable students to earn college credits while still in high school. Dr. Cameron notes, “We have more students earning college credits now than ever before, providing them a valuable head start, especially our first-generation college attendees.”

The CTE program, which includes 25 diverse offerings, provides students with practical skills in robotics, construction trades, cosmetology, and health sciences. Students participate in half-day programming for two years, graduating with industry credentials that pave the way for immediate employment or further education. Dr. Cameron stresses the importance of these partnerships, saying, “We pool our resources to offer experiences that a single district might not be able to provide alone.”


Holistic arts approach

Dr. Tallis highlights the district’s comprehensive fine arts program, a relatively new initiative encompassing musical theater, dance, and more. “We’re moving to a seven-section day at our high school, allowing for even more STEM-related and fine arts electives,” she says. The student-driven approach ensures a diverse range of interests are met, fostering a well-rounded educational experience.

Dr. Cameron proudly discusses the district’s state-of-the-art performing arts center, funded through a comprehensive bond proposal passed in 2019. “We have a former Broadway performer on staff, providing expert instruction in dance, musical theater, and other performing arts,” he says. The facility not only serves the school but also the broader community, hosting events and performances that enrich the cultural fabric of Imlay City.

The performing arts center’s 500-seat capacity, state-of-the-art lighting, and advanced sound systems highlight the district’s focus on providing top-notch student facilities. Previously, students had been performing concerts and plays in cafeterias or gyms. Dr. Cameron notes, “This new center gives them a true performance space worthy of their talents. In the last year, Imlay City Schools has become one of only three school districts in the State of MIchigan to offer our high school students a CTE credential. Last year, nearly $2 million in scholarships were offered to our performing arts students who had been so well-trained that universities were clamoring for them to come and participate in their programming.”

Infrastructure and future plans

The district has significantly invested in infrastructure, enhancing safety, technology, and facilities. Dr. Cameron outlines the improvements made possible by the 2019 bond, including hardening buildings, updating door hardware, installing protective window film, and upgrading camera systems. These measures ensure a safe and conducive learning environment for all.

Looking ahead, Dr. Cameron points out the district’s focus on resource allocation. “We can now redirect finances to other facilities and continue investing in our teachers, ensuring we retain the best possible staff,” he says.

The district’s $38 million bond program has facilitated numerous improvements, from fixing roofs and upgrading buses to expanding classroom spaces and enhancing learning environments. Dr. Cameron describes the bond’s impact: “Our community supported this bond, understanding the importance of safe, smart, and strong schools. We are incredibly grateful for their support.”

A bright future

The Imlay City Community School District is a testament to the power of relationships, innovative teaching, and comprehensive student support. With a strong foundation in early childhood education, cutting-edge technology, a robust arts program, and strategic infrastructure investments, the district is poised to continue its legacy of academic excellence and holistic student development. As Dr. Cameron aptly states, “Caring for kids is our number one priority, and everything else follows from that.”

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Imlay City Community School District

What: A public school serving approximately 2,200 students and is known for its commitment to providing a high-quality education, it offers a range of programs, including STEM enrichment courses, robotics, and arts.

Where: Imlay City, Michigan



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