BVM June 2016 - page 16

16 Business View Magazine - June 2016
search and other technical applications. Executives,
sales and engineering managers from companies
involved in producing and selling HPC products and
services also attend and participate.
SCinet provides the essential advanced and com-
modity networking capabilities the conference
needs to support large-scale HPC demos. In recent
years, SCinet has delivered bandwidths exceeding
1 terabit per second and has had the opportunity
to utilize new services and technology, such as pre-
production software-defined networking and intru-
sion detection systems.
This grant funds selected participants to travel for
the staging (if applicable), setup, and attendance of
the SC conference and SCinet. Travel could include
up to three weeks (or some portion of these three
weeks) depending on the SCinet team needs.
After completion of the conference, participants will
be asked to report on their experiences and touch
on topics such as: what part of the training was new
or useful, which learning experiences were not ef-
fective or valuable, and other targeted questions
that will help drive the future of gender diversity
outreach efforts. This reflection will be shared with
their home institution, SCinet leadership, project
PIs, the Department of Energy and the National Sci-
ence Foundation.
Candidates will be reviewed by a panel of experts
from the research and education community for cur-
rent job relevance, stated support from applicant’s
employer, ability to attend the conference, areas of
interest, and desire to participate in SCinet!
The review committee will select up to seven candi-
dates to receive funding to set up SCinet at the SC
conference in Salt Lake City from October 20-28 and
November 7-19, 2016. Final candidates will be noti-
fied by mid to late August 2016.
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