BVM - Nov, 2014 - page 136

136 Business View - November 2014
Trusted Experts That
Listen First
FSG Bank delivers personalized solutions using
innovative products and services
Commitment to community is a professional necessity
at FSG Bank.
“If we say we’re going to be committed, that has to
have legs,” said Michael Kramer, the bank’s chief ex-
ecutive officer since 2011. “It means having measur-
able points of accountability to demonstrate that is
more than words, but actually measurable in terms of
making a difference.”
FSG executives, when not tending to in-bank needs,
are just as often found in service on boards of direc-
tors and with volunteer organizations ranging from
chambers of commerce to the United Way. And be-
cause so many of the leadership personnel are new
to the bank’s headquarters home turf in and around
Chattanooga, Tenn., getting out serves more than just
a superficial purpose.
It’s the day-to-day groundwork for a business that
thrives on relationships.
“As a community bank, we live and die by how well we
treat lots of small clients,” Kramer said. “That’s a good
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