Business View - May 2015 37
to emphasize compliance with the current standard.”
“These errors raise serious and significant questions
about many of the other assumptions the agency re-
lied upon in crafting its new rules,” said Stephen E.
Sandherr, the chief executive officer of the Associated
General Contractors of America. “We need measures
in place that are going to allow all of us to continue the
significant improvements in silica safety the industry
has made, and the sad truth is that the agency’s rule
is too riddled with errors to do that.”
“The assumptions
that were made by
OSHA in developing
this rule are com-
pletely off base
and we hope this
report adequately
tells the truth of
what this rule will
truly mean to the
construction indus-
try. We believe the
current silica rule
has done a fantas-
tic job of reducing
related illnesses so
much so that it is
still declining every
year and current projections have it being eliminated
over time,” according to Jeff Buczkiewicz, President of
the Mason Contractors Association of America. “Our
industry needs a rule that is based on real world con-
struction site scenarios that is not technologically and
economically infeasible to implement and this report
clearly shows that this rule does not fit that bill.”
The full CISC report, which was also submitted to
OSHA, can be found at:
The members of the CISC include: The American Road
and Transportation Builders Association, American
Society of Concrete Contractors, American Subcon-
tractors Association, Associated Builders and Contrac-
tors, Associated General Contractors, Association of
the Wall and Ceiling Industry, Building Stone Institute,
Concrete Sawing & Drilling Association, Construc-
tion & Demolition Recycling Association, Distribution
Contractors Association, Interlocking Concrete Pave-
ment Institute, International Council of Employers of
Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, Leading Builders
of America, Marble Institute of America, Mason Con-
tractors Association of America, Mechanical Contrac-
tors Association of America, National Association of
Home Builders, National Association of the Remodel-
ing Industry, National Demolition Association, National
Electrical Contractors Association, National Roofing
Contractors Association, National Utility Contractors
Association, Natural Stone Council, The Association of
Union Constructors and the Tile Roofing Institute.