BVM May 2015 - page 35

Business View - May 2015 35
posed regulation would reduce the number of jobs in
the U.S. economy by more than 52,700 yearly. That
figure includes construction industry jobs, jobs in re-
lated industries such as building material suppliers,
equipment manufacturers and architects, as well as
losses in non-construction sectors. Additionally, the
losses are full time employee positions. Factoring in
the many part-time or seasonal jobs, that number
could increase to close to 80,000 positions lost.
“We are deeply concerned about the misguided as-
sumptions and cost and impact errors that OSHA has
relied upon in creating this proposed rule that will sig-
nificantly affect our industry,” said NAHB Chairman
Tom Woods, a home builder from Blue Springs, Mo.
“This report reveals the critical need for OSHA to with-
draw its proposed rule until it can put forth a techno-
logically and economically feasible rule that also works
to improve industry workers health and safety.”
“This report clearly demonstrates OSHA’s lack of real
world understanding of the construction industry and
raises serious questions about their ability to responsi-
bly craft industry standards,” said ABC Vice President
of Government Affairs Geoff Burr. “We hope that this
report will lead OSHA to withdraw its proposed rule
and work more closely with the construction industry
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