28 Business View - May 2015
group’s existing territory.
“We’re staying put. We like being out here in the West,”
Corder said.
“I think there will be opportunities, and we’re really
looking to grow pretty much in our current footprint, if
there’s opportunity in the Western states where we op-
erate. We’ve got another generation of Findlays work-
ing in the organization now, so we want to continue it
as a family organization and keep building opportuni-
ties for all those people that work for us.”
Since opening their doors, Findlay Automotive has been
an automotive leader with a commitment to customer
satisfaction and community involvement as its highest
priority. Ally Financial embodies this same dedication
and is pleased to serve as a financing source for floor-
plan, retail, SmartAuction, business loans and after-
market products for the Findlay Automotive stores.