BVM Feb 2016 - page 55

Business View - February 2016 55
tom lines, the firm’s own growth over the past several
years has been equally impressive. Through the third
quarter of 2015, the company has experienced 21
consecutive quarters of record revenue growth, draw-
ing funding from several tech-savvy investors, such as
ICONIQ Capital, Bain Capital Ventures, Globespan Cap-
ital Partners, Highland Capital Partners, and Red Hat,
the world’s top open source solution provider.
VMTurbo currently has over 400 employees and a
growing global presence. Its corporate headquarters
are in Boston, MA; its Canadian headquarters are in
Toronto; and its European headquarters are in Read-
ing, UK. It also has offices and engineering centers in
Valhalla NY, and Manhattan, NYC.
A key element of VMTurbo’s go-to -market approach
is educating potential customers about how they can
better run and manage their data centers. “We spend
a lot of time listening to our community, and feed that
back into our product to ensure our customers not only
have a great experience today but are future-proofed
against whichever technologies they choose to adopt
tomorrow,” Sachdev says. “What’s great about listen-
ing is that it tends to become two-way, and the com-
munity begins listening to us on where we think the
market may be headed. We see this organically in our
own Green Circle Community.”
Based on the company’s rapid growth and its develop-
ment of real-time application performance control as
a totally new approach to IT operations management,
it’s unlikely that many of the world’s largest enter-
prises don’t already know who VMTurbo is. And if they
don’t - they probably soon will.
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