BVM Feb 2016 - page 63

Business View - February 2016 63
In 2020, I would imagine we’re somewhere between
50 and 100. Today, we’re at 120 people; I’d imagine
we’re well into the 200s of employees by then.”
Of course, growing also means getting new custom-
ers, and for that, Cal Net’s reputation and high regard
among its present clients is proving very helpful. “We
get more of our business from referrals than any other
singular source,” Jacobellis says. “We have made a
concerted effort to double down on our relationships
with our vendor partners and they are the fastest grow-
ing segment of our lead base - whether it’s the Micro-
softs, Dells, HPs, or EMCs of the world. Our relation-
ships with those folks is our fastest growing segment
of leads.”
While not present at the company’s beginning, Jaco-
bellis was an early hire and has since been at its helm
for the past 15 years. He is quick to ascribe all of Cal
Net’s success to “the culture of the organization and
its dedication to both its employees and its customers.
At the end of the day,” he says, “if we’re not doing a
good job, by both of those constituents, we don’t have
a business. In good times and hard times, as long as
you can stay true to those kinds of guiding stars, you
really have an organization of people that is dedicated
to doing just the very best. And the work that they do
every day impacts our customers and the lives of an
enormous number of people - in ways that are maybe
not so measurable, but that are nonetheless, real.”
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