BVM Feb 2016 - page 54

54 Business View - February 2016
ability to match application demand to the infrastruc-
ture supply in real time, ensuring application perfor-
mance. We have a product that can be downloaded
in ten minutes, and within 30 minutes you’re getting
automatable decisions for things that can, and should,
be done to improve performance. It’s a better way to
manage a data center because the software is mak-
ing the decisions. As opposed to humans interpreting
data, we’re going to let the software do the work - just
like a plane that runs on autopilot.”
Today, VMTurbo has over 1,200 customers across
many sectors – service providers, financial services,
technology, healthcare, and telecom, among others.
“Fortune 500, 1,000, 2,000 companies - these are
all prime candidates to use our software,” says Sa-
chdev. “If you think about their data center and their
cloud footprint, it is very complicated. They use many
different types of technologies, and they don’t really
have one control system to tie all those technologies
together from an application perspective. So we end
up being the control system for these companies, en-
abling them to run their data centers more efficiently
with better performance.”
While VMTurbo helps turbocharge its customers’ bot-
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