BVM Feb 2016 - page 45

Business View - February 2016 45
somebody, they would call the individual, the techs, or
a manager. Now, I have to have a helpdesk for remote
support. Today, our help desk consists of over 20 peo-
ple. Four or five years ago, I didn’t do offsite backups;
today we have a solution for offsite backups.”
In fact, Lincoln’s broad range of services is a testa-
ment to its ability to learn each new concept and mas-
ter every new technology as they came along, and then
translate that understanding into program offerings
for the benefit of its clients. For example, the com-
pany’s Procare program offers them a long menu of
professional IT solutions, from the implementation of
servers and storage, to strategic consulting, to project
management, to temporary and contract-to-hire staff-
ing; its ITCare program completely relieves a client of
having to manage its own network or data center, at
all; Cloudcare offers the best cloud computing solu-
tions currently available. Lincoln has a robust and bou-
tique cloud solution with hosting capabilities in its own
data center, as well as the ability to deploy a solution
for clients who either have their own infrastructure or
want to borrow Lincoln’s; and Datacare helps to en-
sure that all of a client’s data – the lifeblood of its busi-
ness - is always recoverable.
Today, Lincoln Computer Services has approximately
100 employees; 20 are in the administrative, sales,
or management divisions, and the rest are engineers
and techs. The company operates out of its headquar-
ters in Hicksville, N.Y., with a new office for sales, mar-
keting, and service in midtown Manhattan. Its diverse
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