BVM - Feb 2015 - page 63

Business View - February 2015 63
fee discount is available to veterans.
But it’s not entirely about money when it comes to who
succeeds and who doesn’t.
“Often, franchisors screen prospective franchisees
based on how much money they have” said Marcos
Moura, Amada’s chief development officer since 2012.
“We dive much deeper than that. We look for entrepre-
neurs whose goals and core values match ours.”
Moura said expansion could bring the roster to be-
tween 200 and 250 domestic locations over the next
five years, split amongst 70 to 80 franchise partners
that he envisions building $5 million to $10 million
businesses. And, providing those forecasts are at or
near target, the growth focus would then shift to world-
wide markets whose senior populations are growing at
similarly prodigious rates.
A particularly intriguing market, Jefferson said, is
China, where experts predict the senior population to
eclipse 440 million by 2050.
“What’s going on in China is very unique. We will ex-
pand into China eventually,” he said.
“It’s just going to be a matter of if it’s going to be in the
next year or two. If we can form the right strategic part-
nership, we will take another look at the opportunity
and consider expansion.
In China, the senior care market is in the early stages
of development. During our recent visit to Beijing we
found that seniors desire assistance and companion-
ship far sooner than we are accustomed to here in the
U.S. It’s a different model, there’s focus on holistic
wellness, and that was something I was very intrigued
Fotheringham, not surprisingly, shares his colleague/
teammate’s enthusiasm.
“We are one of the few companies that really look
at senior care holistically here in the U.S. We’re not
about selling a service. We’re about making sure that
seniors and their families understand all of their care
C3 Intelligence
CJF Business Services (Orange, Calif.)
Amada Senior Care
Franchised provider of non-medical in-
home care; with additional services focused on
client placement into assisted living and care
Corporate headquarters in Laguna
Woods, Calif
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