BVM - Feb 2015 - page 61

Business View - February 2015 61
where we have one of the largest and fastest-growing
demographics in the country needing senior products
and services and Amada Senior Care is aligned per-
fectly to offer new territories to candidates for consid-
eration. As we continue to grow we will always seek
new ways to differentiate ourselves from other senior
care brands. We have a very different approach to se-
nior care, and with 18 years of working directly with
families and caregivers we see the senior care market
moving in a different direction than most.”
The initial franchise investment runs between $92,210
and $171,654, and is broken down by an initial fran-
chise fee of ($45,000), office and utilities ($3,200 to
$8,100), vehicle and wrap ($1,500 to $5,500), tech-
nology ($3,500 to $5,500), training expenses ($200
to $4,500), grand opening and marketing ($5,000 to
$7,000), legal, administrative and insurance costs
($18,500 to $30,500) and additional funds/operating
capital ($25,000 to $72,000). A 10-percent franchise
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