BVM - June 2015 - page 94

94 Business View - June 2015
the growing number of seniors that are just around the
pike. The demands and expectations of these people
will be very different than previous generations –
they’ll have much higher expectations. We also antici-
pate that people, as they stay in their own homes for
as long as possible, will come into long-term care will
much higher levels of need. We will keep people as
long as possible in other settings, but by the time they
come to us, they may be 95 years old (whereas 85 is
the average now), and they may be really frail with mul-
tiple conditions when they are admitted.
BUSINESS VIEW: Talk about the overall membership
in terms of your ability to engage them. What meth-
ods have worked well? Events? Publications? Other
forms of reaching out to them? And, overall, how en-
gaged of a group do you think it is? Is it easy to get
people on the same page and moved to action?
: It’s not so hard to get them on the same page,
because they’re all doing similar work, so there’s a com-
monality, but years ago, we would provide a lot more
forums for people where they came in for educational
sessions, and they had to because that was before the
internet and webinars, of course. So, we, like many
other associations, had to become more nimble. Peo-
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