BVM - June 2015 - page 103

Business View - June 2015 103
“We are giving that same level of effort but technol-
ogy has made that a little higher. When you talk about
services you think of meals, you think of housekeep-
ing services, laundry services, and nursing services.
Nursing services are probably the biggest place that
we’ve increased. We were always kind of assisting with
the personal care but it’s gone much further; this be-
comes their home.”
On top of technological advancements, the industry
continues to change because of the recent govern-
ment requirement of licensing retirements homes.
Before this new mandate, the Ontario Retirement
Communities Association (ORCA) was a voluntary or-
ganization that helped homes provide a quality level of
service. Now, the ORCA acts as an educator to assist
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