98 Business View - June 2015
Because the community in around Leamington is so
small and close-knit, many of the Home’s 310 employ-
ees actually already know a lot of their residents long
before they come to live there. In fact, some of the
people they are caring for have been well-known to the
Home’s staff all of their lives.
Monik goes on to explain how she and her staff are
“always looking for new ways to make things better
for our residents,” and offers three imperatives that
underscore what, she believes, contributes to quality
care: First, she maintains that it is necessary to keep
the residents active and socially engaged, while pro-
viding activities that meet their level of cognitive func-
tioning. Second, is making meals a festive and impor-
tant part of the day - sometimes inviting local chefs,
restaurateurs, and volunteers from the region’s local
wineries to prepare special repasts. And third is at-
tending to residents’ personal care and appearance –
making sure they are well-dressed and coiffed so that
they always look their best.