BVM - June 2015 - page 85

Business View - June 2015 85
MyriadPro -Bold
48 hour shipment on almost 2,000 of its top-selling
SKUs (Stock Keeping Units).
“While Tennsco is well-known for offering a wide vari-
ety of filing solutions,” Bradley says, “we are a power-
house also in cabinets, shelving, lockers, workbench-
es, etc.”
About a year and a half ago, Dickson-based Tennsco
acquired two companies that primarily sold mobile
storage solutions.
“Customers were buying shelving units from us and
mobile systems from other companies,” Bradley says,
“so in our continual drive to be a full-service storage
solution for our customers, we made the decision to
add mobile systems to our product lines.”
Historically mobile systems were used, primarily, for
medical records – but now they can be seen across
industries including museum archives, evidence stor-
age, overflow books at libraries, art archives, etc. “The
acquisition of the mobile system product line has
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