Business View - June 2015 159
“That means we’ve got a lot of open territory out there
still. There’s still potential in every major city across
the country.”
For those interested in jumping on the franchise-own-
ing bandwagon – and many will, as the company’s mo-
bile units are all franchises – a key trait to possess is
“Self-starters, I think, is the biggest one – you’ve got to
have the ability to go out and sell yourself and your ser-
vices, and how you can help other people. Primarily, it’s
the people who are willing to get out there and work,”
Johnstone says. “We can teach the skill, in terms of
the actual trade skill, matching color and their actual
process for doing the repair itself. But it’s having that
internal fire to get out there and really grow a busi-
ness. Those are the guys who always do the best.”
Among the few requirements for potential franchisees,
which are all home-based, are: they cannot be color-