BVM - June 2015 - page 7

Business View - June 2015 7
Full disclosure: Until a month ago, I was not a reader of Business View Magazine. Now, that is not a
negative reflection upon BVM’s intrinsic worth as a valuable, online resource for businesses and com-
panies across a wide variety of industries, professions and manufacturing sectors throughout North
America, the Caribbean, Australia and Brazil. It’s just that I had no particular interest in the sort of
coverage that was, and is, BVM’s purview and purpose. The truth is - its website was nowhere on my
Favorites list.
I’m a writer by trade and not a business person. Although I do like to read widely and have many di-
verse intellectual interests and pursuits, the day-to-day operations of commercial enterprises, cities,
hospitals, not-for-profit associations, and the like, did not call out to me on any level. It just wasn’t my
That is until now. In my very short time as the new Editor for Business View Magazine’s North American
and Caribbean editions, I have already begun to cultivate a deep appreciation for the way any and all of
the aforementioned enterprises are run by the many talented and deeply caring people who run them.
In fact, the best aspect of my new job has very little to do with crossing t’s, dotting i’s, or making sure
that copy is spelled and punctuated correctly.
It’s that every working every day, I get to talk to people all over the hemisphere about the things they
do every working day to keep their businesses moving, their communities healthy, and their country’s
economies humming and vibrant. And then I get to tell you, the reader, all about it.
So far, this month, I have communicated with establishments as disparate as a railroad in Texas, a
hospital in Ontario, a tire franchiser in Florida, and a retirement home in St. Thomas. I’ve chatted with
CEO’s, Vice Presidents, Development Managers, and even the fine gentleman who runs the Ministry of
Transport, Works and Housing in Jamaica. And during each and every conversation, I learn new things,
obtain fresh insights, and get an inside look on what makes the institutions that run and service our
world, tick. What an opportunity!
It is my hope that in the ensuing months, you will likewise be equally informed, intrigued, educated and
even entertained by our reporting and by our very privileged, inside view of the business world. I know
that I will delight in sharing it all with you. And, by the way, there’s a new addition to my Favorites list.
Al Krulick
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