BVM - June 2015 - page 50

50 Business View - June 2015
Membership: Railroad & Associate Members
ailroad membership is open to small
railroads (short line, switching and
terminal companies, and regional rail
carriers) that operate in the
continental or territorial United States,
Canada, or Mexico. Extensive benefits,
including representation and information services,
accompany membership. This brochure explores
all of them in greater depth.
Associate membership is available to companies
that supply goods and services to the small railroad
industry. Associate member benefits include:
Access to membership lists.
Listing in E-Marketplace, ASLRRA’s online
searchable directory of suppliers and the goods
and services they provide.
Annual subscription to
Views & News
, the
Association’s bi-weekly newsletter, and the
Safety Bulletin
Reduced registration fees at ASLRRA-sponsored
meetings and seminars.
Reduced rates for displaying services and/or
wares at the Annual Convention.
Pacific Region
Central Region
Eastern Region
Southern Region
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