54 Business View - June 2015
Recently, MEG partnered with CSX, the domestic trans-
portation company, to carry out safety and prepared-
ness training for First Responders. “Miller worked
closely with CSX in 2014 to bring hands on training to
the First Responders that serve the communities along
the CSX rail,” Wallace said. Miller brings a sampling of
the equipment that a response team would normally
bring to an incident and then additionally works with
CSX to train the First Responders on the rail cars mov-
ing through the local community.
Miller Environmental is continually updating its equip-
ment and services, which consistently puts the com-
pany ahead of the curve. “In 2011 MEG completely
turned over our fleet,” Wallace advises. “We purchased
all new Kenworth equipment, that is clean-idle and
clean-air certified.” The clean equipment acquisition is
in response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s
(EPA) diesel emission reduction standards, which go
into effect in 2016 on the federal level and that many
states have already adopted.
Internally, MEG has a very dynamic website, which af-
fords existing and prospective clients the opportunity
to easily review the types of equipment available to
them on a moment’s notice. The company has insti-
tuted new accounting software with field automation,
which, according to Wallace, will help them grow and
analyze their business further. “The use of tablet de-
vices in the field will provide more real time dispatch
and coordination of our crews working hard to service
our customers.” says Wallace.
While MEG is constantly evolving, there are two areas
that remain constant. “We spend a lot of time taking
care of our customers and training our staff.” Wallace