Business View Magazine
velopment and support.
Our 2012-2015 Strategic Directions are:
1. Position LTCAM as the “go to” Association to col-
laborate on long- term and continuing care policy and
service delivery. The Association’s overall goal is to
become the “go to” provincial association for the long-
term and continuing care continuum in Manitoba. To
become a credible voice and hence fully represent its
members’ needs, LTCAM is called to increase its in-
volvement with the Province and RHAs in addressing
priority policy and service delivery issues. In doing so,
LTCAM must seek to identify and act on rallying issues
that align with its members’ as well as the Province’s
and the RHAs’ priorities.
2. Provide relevant, value-added services for the Asso-
ciation’s members. LTCAM exists to support its mem-
bership in providing quality care, services and resourc-
es. In terms of both recruitment and retention, LTCAM
needs to continue to support members and pay atten-
tion to their stated priorities (e.g. capital renewal, con-
sistent reporting). Members – actual and potential –
must see value in LTCAM. One of LTCAM’s value-added
services is the provision of information to the general
public on long-term and continuing care options.
The ability to provide relevant member programs and
services (to respond to growing and changing needs)
is also influenced by available resources – financial,
human, technological and physical. Resource devel-
opment is important in this context. LTCAM’s ability
to retain current membership and recruit diversity of
members will also promote its credibility.
Jan Legeros trying out some equipment in the
exhibit hall 2015 Conference
Minister Crothers, Minister of Healthly Living
and Seniors provides opening remarks at the
2015 Conference