Re-Bath and 5-Day Kitchens - page 4

Business View Magazine
terial,” Rasmussen continued. “Because we manu-
factured the product for our dealers and general
contractors across the country to sell, we became a
B2B2C model.”
In 1991, Re-Bath moved from a dealer network to a
franchise system and by 2000, the company wel-
comed its 100th franchisee.
“There were several reasons for the change. It en-
hanced the value of the company, but more impor-
tantly, it gave exclusive distribution to franchisees in
specific territories around the country. This allowed us
to expand more aggressively into the marketplace,”
Rasmussen said.
Moving to a franchise system allowed Re-Bath, LLC to
sell franchise territories across the country and gener-
ate more cash flow for the brand. This increase of cash
flow was used to expand product offerings, improve ad-
vertising capabilities and eventually develop a system
to assist franchisees with their business operations.
The system enforces each franchise to work in line
with the network as opposed to remaining individual
businesses. This collaboration allows the network to
create national benchmarks for lead generation, sales
and installation revenue which, in turn, helps them
understand the success and challenges of their local
“There are many advantages to dealers and indepen-
dent companies that wish to be included in the Re-
Bath Network. Since Re-Bath has been around for 35
years, not only will potential franchisees benefit from
‘name brand’ recognition,” Rasmussen explains, “but
we will help them operate within a single technology
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