Business View - May 2015 93
82 percent believe that the President and Congress
should work together to put in place new trade agree-
ments; 73 percent support the United States seeking
more trade agreements with additional countries; and
59 percent would be more likely to vote for a candidate
for Congress who supports free trade agreements.
To conclude and implement new trade agreements
that enable America’s more than 265,000 manufac-
turers and their more than 12 million employees to
better reach the 95 percent of the world’s consumers
who live outside the United States, the NAM is urging
Congress to move expeditiously to pass Trade Promo-
tion Authority.
NAM Announces New Hires
and Staff Changes
The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) has
added to its growing team of experts and profession-
als dedicated to advancing the manufacturing agen-
da, progressing manufacturing policy and defining the
voice of manufacturers.
Jamie Hennigan has been promoted to vice president
of strategic communications, Stephanie Robert is the
new vice president of marketing within the Office of
the President, and Ken Monahan joined the NAM trade
and government relations team as director of interna-
tional trade policy.
“Jamie’s tremendous communications experience at
the NAM, on Capitol Hill and in the White House is a
valuable asset to advancing the manufacturing story
and giving voice to the more than 12 million manufac-
turers represented by the NAM,” said NAM President
and CEO Jay Timmons. “Stephanie comes to the NAM
with an impressive record of marketing success and
will enable us to grow the manufacturing army. Ken
joins the most respected policy team in D.C., and his
expertise will help us shape a trade policy that not only
benefits manufacturers in the United States, but also
equips them to compete in our global economy.”
Hennigan previously served as the NAM’s senior direc-
tor of media relations. He brings years of communi-
cations experience from Capitol Hill and the executive
branch as well as congressional and presidential cam-
paigns. Before joining the NAM, Hennigan served on
the staff of the House Natural Resources Committee
under Chairman Doc Hastings (R-WA-04). Hennigan
also served as the assistant press secretary to Vice
President Dick Cheney and a media coordinator on the
2004 Bush-Cheney campaign.
Robert comes to the NAM most recently from the In-
ternational Association of Amusement Parks and At-
tractions as vice president of global membership and
marketing. In this capacity, she was responsible for
providing strategic direction and executive manage-
ment of marketing strategies designed to recruit and
retain the global membership base. Prior to that, Rob-