Business View - May 2015 147
“We’ve had some rapid growth,” Russell said.
“Right now, what the organization is really focusing
on is actually taking a step back and trying to take a
deep breath from that growth. We’re trying to stream-
line everything and make everything right. Everything
that we do and we want to do, we want to do it right.
Rapid growth sometimes will bring in some inefficien-
cies, and right now we’re focusing on making those
things efficient.”
Continuing to develop ambulatory service and boost
its efficiency is a primary objective going forward, as
is upping the number of municipal agreements to pro-
vide 911 services as the state leans toward creating a
network of regional EMS service providers.
“We don’t actively go after that business,” Russell said.
“But we find that a lot of small towns – ones that we
don’t have contracts with – are looking at what to do
for ambulance coverage. A lot of them had volunteer
services. It seemed like every small town in Maine had
its own little ambulance service. Some of those towns
over the years have joined together and done small
groups, but those small services are struggling finan-
cially. Less people want to volunteer and these ser-
vices are struggling.
“I see those towns reaching out to us more and more
as years go by. There’s opportunity there with that to
do more 911 in the future and partnering with more
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