BVM - June 2015 - page 33

Business View - June 2015 33
year, the focus is on training – re-investing in people –
and doing more detailed metrics on the operations for
overall efficiency. The next two years will be geared to
opportunities in pipe, whether conventional types for
irrigation, geothermal, or conduit, or interesting and
new higher-end plastics for specific applications.
“We’ve been very busy across every sector, particularly
in the first part of 2015,” Herrild notes. “Pipe is an
area where we continue to see growth, with more po-
tential on the horizon, as we’ve taken up a number of
new projects in that area. In general, it’s been a very
good year for us.”
The five year vision would see Teel’s newly-cultivated
markets - where sales are just starting to come in -
become significant and fulfill the investment put into
them. It is hoped that products now in development
on the pipe and industrial side will have grown to the
point where either the present facility will warrant ex-
pansion, or another one is added to help support that
growth. “Expanding would be a good problem to have
in the next several years,” says Herrild. “It all depends
on how rapidly things grow - and the product mix.”
Building on its business strengths and its commitment
to customers, the community, and the environment,
the future for Teel Plastics looks prosperous, indeed.
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