BVM - June 2015 - page 133

Business View - June 2015 133
the commercial center of the city that was funded by
the transportation development districts, and $3 mil-
lion worth of work on another segment of the same
artery that was funded by a separate transportation
development district. Currently in the design stage is
a $6 million road improvement project adjacent to a
major city interchange that will be completed in 2017,
thanks, in part, to some federal funding.
A small waterline replacement program will cost
$400,000 per year, Fisher said, and also underway
are a $2 million sanitary sewer interceptor lining proj-
ect, and a $2 million per year project on infiltration and
inflow, in addition to other sanitary sewer projects.
“We have been very deliberate about identifying great
partners and outsourcing what we cannot do well as
much as makes sense,” he said. “We have created
and used cooperative contracts for all kinds of activi-
ties including street maintenance. We are using vari-
ous design-build methods and have had excellent suc-
cess. One thing that we started about four years ago
that is close to my heart is the addition of a Quality
Assurance Plan that is required of the contractor for
project bids where there are not federal or state dol-
lars involved. This has proven to be successful. We
have multiple partners on call, so we can be nimble
and meet demands quicker. We do performance ap-
praisals for each partner after each project and each
anniversary year.”
Going forward, developing an internal mindset will play
an important role, too.
“A few of the key things that we spend time on are right
culture, right attitude and disciplined action,” Fisher
said. “So, I see a team of public servants that have no
other obligation than to meet the needs of the com-
munity and play an important role in a higher quality
of life. I see smart decisions and quality outcomes. I
see a greater focus on streets, storm and water. Belton
has some work to do but it has great potential to be
the economic center for northern Cass County and a
southern gateway to Kansas City.”
Micro-Comm Inc
City of Belton MO Main Street
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