Business View - June 2015 129
not clear or cohesive, and, in fact, there are very initial
efforts to rebrand and create a new identity.”
Fisher oversees a department of 42 full-time employ-
ees and an annual operating budget of $15million, in
addition to the management of between $25 million
and $30 million in capital.
Public Works is responsible for ensuring safe and
reliable drinking water, efficient and smooth travel
throughout the city, environmentally responsible treat-
ment of waste, effective storm water management,
and sound stewardship of public funds. The depart-
ment is made up of three divisions: Transportation
Services, Water Services and Engineering/GIS.
Transportation Services is responsible for the repair
and maintenance of the city's street and storm water
collection infrastructure. Water Services operates and
maintains the city's water reservoirs, pump stations
and water mains to deliver the highest quality drink-
able water to its customers. It also operates and main-
tains the wastewater collection and treatment system.
Engineering/GIS handles all the construction-related
activities within the public right-of-way, while employ-
ing the most effective project management practices
possible, in order to protect the public safety.
City of Belton
A city in Cass County that was incorpo-
rated in 1872 and was home to 23,116 residents
at the time of the 2010 census
West-central Missouri, on the state’s
border with Kansas; 22 miles south of Kansas
City of Belton MO 3 Million Dollar Water Tower Project