BVM Feb 2016 - page 77

Business View - February 2016 77
that fit either in drug substance or drug product. Our
big advantage is that we already have this integrated
expertise that helps us link both businesses together.”
Sandy Cerrick is Siegfried’s Vice President and Head
of Global Marketing. She both confirms and broadens
Späne’s account: “We have transformed ourselves
into a complete, fully-integrated drug substance and
drug product partner,” she says. “We can provide not
only the inherited knowledge that we have in both of
those components of the pharmaceutical industry, but
in addition, there are many niche technologies that we
have many years of experience in, as well. I hate to use
the term ‘a one-stop-shop,’ but we truly can complete-
ly support our partner customers optimization needs,
through scaling up a particular synthesis to taking
them all the way into their commercial manufacturing
of a drug product. It’s been a big step for Siegfried over
the last five years.”
Späne adds that although there will surely be a new
growth strategy sometime in the future - most likely
including further acquisitions - for now, Siegfried’s fo-
cus is to get all of its newly acquired sites integrated
into the Group - a process that should be completed
within the next 12 months. Its marketing strategy in-
cludes making its value proposition to new potential
customers who it thinks would benefit from Siegfried’s
services, while simultaneously expanding the portfolio
of existing customers that, as Späne, remarks, “have
already seen the value of working together with Sieg-
– Founded over 65 years ago, Proconex is a
leader in the process control and automation industry.
It provides services to its customers in the chemical,
power and energy, pharmaceutical, oil and gas, pulp
and paper, life sciences, metal and glass, and food
and beverage industries. Its services are designed to
help its client companies improve performance – from
planning, design and implementation, through op-
erations, maintenance, and long-term sustainability.
Coyne Chemical Co. Inc.
- The George S. Coyne Chem-
ical Co., Inc. is a diversified distributor of chemicals
and chemical services. Chemicals are purchased na-
tionwide from over 100 manufacturers and suppliers
and distributed primarily throughout the Northeastern
United States to a wide range of industrial, manufac-
turing, and municipal markets.
Coyne Chemical
became the first full-line chemical distributor to re-
ceive ISO9002 certification from Underwriters Labora-
tories, Inc. in 1993. -
Tri State Steel Drum Corporation
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