BVM - Feb 2015 - page 39

Business View - February 2015 39
product lines are coordinated by some of the most tal-
ented designers in the industry.
Woodside created these style profiles to best cater to
buyers' tastes, after thoroughly analyzing consumer
research on the most favored design styles across the
nation. From there, award-winning interior designers
were brought in to carefully cull a selection of design
options for each Style Profile.
In a Consumer Insights 2014 study, which surveyed
more than 20,000 shoppers, home design rivaled
location as the most important characteristic when
considering a new home purchase, again beating out
factors such as price, safety and accessibility. And per-
haps nowhere is design more important than fabulous
Las Vegas. Here, Woodside Homes truly puts the em-
phasis on a fresh approach to the designs and fea-
tures buyers insist upon.
“Woodside Homes spends a lot of time on the design
of our homes because we feel it says everything about
the home owners who purchase them. We go to great
lengths to ensure that these designs, not to mention
the features, finishes and amenities, enhance our
buyers’ lifestyles,” said Kent Lay, Division President of
Woodside Homes of Nevada.
The Better By Design concept has been incorporated
into all Woodside communities in the Las Vegas area
and beyond. With new home construction again on
the rise throughout Nevada, savvy builders are real-
izing that incorporating innovative concepts into their
communities is becoming more crucial than ever. As
construction picks up, so will competition. “Woodside
Homes recognizes the importance of design in the
new home industry,” says Lisa Kalmbach, Partner at
real estate investment and marketing company New
Montgomery Partners.
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