Business View - December 2015 11
ogy industries, including process chemistry, analyti-
cal development and validation services, and GMP
scale-up. These services cover both early-stage proj-
ects, where speed and quality are imperative, and
later-stage projects, where process economics and
commercialization are vital. Alphora also provides
niche commercial manufacturing and has conduct-
ed several validation campaigns in advance of mar-
ket launch. Founded in 2003 by Dr. Jan Oudenes,
Alphora Research is staffed by over 90 employees
and operates an FDA inspected and approved op-
eration totaling 50,000 sq. ft., including synthetic
laboratories, analytical laboratories, GMP Kilo Labo-
ratories, GMP Pilot Plant, GMP stability studies, and
supporting QC/QA. Alphora also has high potency
and cytotoxic capabilities.