Business View Magazine
days. “Most people, when they do come in, they’ve
done 13 or 14 hours of research on the exact car they
want. Our pricing is out there and all the third-party
sites out there make it pretty straightforward to find in-
formation regarding a car. So, that’s kind of our mind-
set in how we handle that issue.”
Walters adds, “You have to build a culture within your
dealership. It’s not about how much you can make
per customer, it’s about how many customers you can
make happy. We are very transparent. Anybody knows
what we’re making on a car, nowadays. We price fairly.
Of course, some of the old-school buyers don’t believe
that, anyway. They just arbitrarily throw numbers out,
because they want to negotiate. Those are the custom-
ers that haven’t done any investigation and don’t know
what cars are worth. They think the dealer is making
15 grand on a higher ender, when the mark-up is actu-
ally around five percent above invoice. Those are our
toughest customers.”
In addition to the Group’s transparent pricing and
salaried employees, Dolan reports that his vehicle
specialists come “with zero car experience. We teach
them about the product and train them in the way our
customers want to be treated. We spend time with our
customers and basically validate all the information
that they’ve brought in, because all the information
is out there, online. We also have delivery specialists
who deliver all purchased cars, new and used. And
nowadays we want to educate our consumers on ev-
ery little gadget so that they can get the full enjoyment
out of their cars.”
Future plans for the
Dolan Group include
a brand new outlet.
“We’re in the process
of building a new
Lexus dealership – a
whole, new, state-of-
the-art facility. We’re
going from a building
that is 40 years old
and 31,000 square
feet to one that is
68,000 square feet.
We’re tripling our shop size to better service our cus-
tomers. We’re going to have a state-of-the-art, inside
showroom to get people out of the weather. We’re also
going to have a full coffee shop. It’s going to be pretty
nice building, when it’s done, by the end of July.”
Nevada is one of the states that was very severely
impacted by the Great Recession, but, according to
Dolan, the area is beginning to rebound, especially