Business View Magazine
Miebach Consulting Inc.
The supply chain engineers
Miebach Consulting was founded by Dr. Joachim Mie-
bach in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1973. Today, the com-
pany is an internationally recognized leader in the field
of logistics, supply chain consulting, and engineering
services. It clients include hundreds of large and me-
dium-sized companies in such sectors as: Aftermar-
ket and Spare Parts, Automotive, Chemical, Consumer
Goods, Fashion and Apparel, Manufacturing and High-
Tech, Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices, Logistic
Services Providers, and Retail.
Nick Banich is a Partner and the Business Develop-
ment Manager for Miebach Consulting in the USA and
Canada. He explains that Dr. Miebach, who had stud-
ied industrial engineering at Berlin Technical University
and the University of Edinburgh, began his company’s
successful journey when, at the outset, he endeavored
to exploit what he recognized as a significant but miss-
ing piece in the services of the traditional manage-
ment consulting houses of the time.
“Back then, you had the management houses that