Business View Magazine
In the chemical sector, tolling is an arrangement in which
a company with specialized equipment, such as Synal-
loy, agrees to processes raw materials or semifinished
goods for another company. Gibson explains that, today,
his company is “basically a sub-contractor for chemical
companies that either lack the capital, or are more ser-
vice-oriented, and don’t want to get into the manufactur-
ing or production side of things. So, typically what we do
is work alongside those organizations. We have our own
chemists, as well, so we can create and develop formulas
based on their information about the end user. Some big-
ger companies have their own formulations and do their
own work and they provide us the formula. We will cus-
tom manufacture the product, whether they or we cre-
ated it, and we will label it with their label and ship it out
of our facility.”
When asked what differentiates Synalloy from its com-
petitors, Gibson is quick to reply: “Our people. Certainly,
any organization is only as good as its people. We pride
ourselves in always maintaining the best employees in