Business View Magazine
maining 52 percent is split between the other three
markets. Tesch said Dallas and Austin will do between
350 and 400 homes apiece, while San Antonio is good
for another 200.
MHI bought Wilshire Homes – a private builder in Aus-
tin and San Antonio – during the throes of the down-
turn in 2010, which he now looks back on as a risk
that’s paid significant dividends.
“It effectively helped us double in size, overnight, in
those two markets,” Tesch said.
“A lot of people were trying to figure out what we were
doing and they thought it was a bold move, but it
turned out to work pretty well.”
Because MHI is in roughly 80 housing developments
at different price points across myriad markets, it’s en-
countering, as Tesch said, “all kinds of buyers,” from
young families heading out to the suburbs to empty-
nesters seeking to get closer to population centers.
TOP ROW/STANDING (L-R): Denny Garrett, Region President, Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin, and San Antonio, Keith Faseler, Division
President of Land, David Bruning, Chief Financial Officer, Wade Bradow, Division President of Land Acquisitions BOTTOM ROW/SIT-
TING (L-R):William “Mac” McKinnie, General Counsel, Gary Tesch, President, James Miller, Region President, Houston
McGuyer Homebuilders Inc.
Homebuilder which markets its designs
under three brands -- Coventry Homes, Plantation
Homes and Wilshire Homes
Corporate headquarters in Houston, Texas