McGuyer Homebuilders - page 2

Business View Magazine
The Mark of Integrity
McGuyer Homebuilders gains ground with ‘Built Around You’ approach
tomers in the most active buying segments.
“I don’t think the plan was ever get to a very large
size,” Tesch said.
“It would be more of a niche, opportunistic builder
where we followed around the top developers in each
of the markets and just built a real quality product that
allowed customization. Which differentiates us from a
lot of our competition.”
The company now employs about 350 people, a num-
ber that’s been stable for the past few years but is
down from the peak of 2006, when it built more than
3,300 homes in Texas and employed 660 people.
These days, the production number is closer to 1,500
homes, though the Builder Magazine rank at that clip
is three places higher – at No. 24 – than it was in
2006, when it was 27th.
Fifty-five percent of homebuilders nationwide went out
of business in the “Great Recession,” but Tesch said
MHI remained at least partially insulated thanks to the
strength of the Texas market.
“A lot of people called it a recession, I’d label it more
like a depression,” he said. “It’s all relative, too. We
were the last state to go in and we were the first state
to come out.”
Forty-eight percent of the company’s business for
2015 is forecast to come from Houston, while the re-
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