Inside-the-Beltway Advertising Reaches Key Decision Makers:
ran an integrated digital advertising campaign targeted at transportation
and environmental policy professionals in Washington, D.C. in 2016. The ads
featured messages promoting the many advantages of automotive aluminum,
with safety and carbon emissions driving the
most interest. The campaign led to nearly 23,000
video views and visits to the ATG website from
a highly targeted audience of policy influencers.
DriveAluminum.orgRaises the Bar:
The ATG launched a fully redesigned website in 2016
www.drivealuminum.org. The site features improved
visuals, cleaner navigation and tighter integration with
various social channels. The ATG also increased its use
of sharable visuals online, including original art, animation,
videos and infographics. Ramped up social media
efforts drove an 18 percent follower increase on the
@drivealuminum Twitter handle and a 17 percent bump
in sign-ups to the ATG’s e-newsletter.
Astronaut Dan Tani Gets the Facts About Aluminum:
As aluminum increased its role as a key material supplier
to the automotive industry, many consumers and
policymakers have had questions. How durable is the
metal? Is it safe? Can it really help reduce global carbon
emissions? The ATG enlisted the help of former NASA
astronaut Dan Tani to answer these questions and more
in a series of online videos. The videos were a key part
of the ATG’s efforts this year to educate policymakers
and influential third party groups about the benefits of
automotive aluminum.
Every aluminum vehicle
ever crash-tested by U.S.
government agencies received
a 5-star safety rating.