JP Services

JP SERV I CES and treat water around oil and gas and industrial projects. So, for instance, if a project is going to take 10 million gallons of water and there’s three projects that are going to be happening in the same region, we can take that same 10 million gallons and store it, treat it, and use it again and again. That’s not only environmentally impactful; it’s a good cost impact to the industry.” “Obviously a lot of the majors are going to try to be a little bit more environmentally friendly and we see an opportunity to, not only, increase the efficiency of our operation with the water aspect but also to be a little bit more environmentally conscious in the methods that we employ around our water management, storage, and disposal assets,” Chad adds. “So, we call it water management to be all-encompassing and we can handle it from Point A to Point B and everything in between. The reduction of the environmental impact is significant.” The other two new additions to the company’s portfolio include a nitrogen service with trucks that transport and pump nitrogen to the industrial and midstream space, and a flaring service that provides temporary flares for burnout of unwanted gas or condensate in pipelines. Together, the three new units have added 50 jobs to the company’s roster. “And all of them increase our footprint in making the midstream space a safer, more environmentally-friendly place,” says Justin. “And we’re leading that change in the industry, right now.” Chad maintains that JP Services has always looked for opportunities to offer services whenever it has discovered a new industry need. Currently, that means moving from vendor status to advisor status. Chad explains, “The research we’ve done in the B2B marketing and sales space - we’ve realized that a lot of our customers have transitioned from wanting to have quality vendors to having quality partners or advisors who can help with solutions around the services that we offer. Our customers are looking for people that are going to provide solutions that are equitable and efficient and reduce risk around the services that we are rendering to them. It’s not just ‘Can you do this for