Anderson Jenkins Signature Homes - page 9

Business View Magazine
component of CBUSA – which creates collective com-
modities purchasing power on the level of major na-
tional builders, while its local members are still able to
run their businesses on a personalized scale.
“Everybody was clawing to keep the ball rolling,” Jen-
kins said. “Now things are coming back and material
prices are rising. We were able to re-circle the wagons
and make sure that we were buying materials correctly
and running our company as efficiently as we could. It
was a good education.”
The quest for more learning continues frequently in
New Braunfels.
Jenkins said he, Anderson and their collective teams
sit down together after every batch of three or four
houses – usually every few months – to assess com-
pany processes and timelines and examine all other
aspects of the business, with an eye toward maintain-
ing their intelligent progress.
“We look at where we picked up time, where we lost
time, what’s working, what’s not,” he said. “We’re al-
ways striving to be more effective homebuilders. I fo-
cus 100 percent on the business aspects of things,
and Shayne knows a lot more about building houses
than I do. If we both were experts in the same thing,
we probably wouldn’t be very good business partners.”
R. Hernandez Drywall –
San Antonio-based drywall servic-
es provider offering warranties, free estimates and covering
a geographical area that includes communities in Bexar,
Comal, Frio, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Kendall &Medina coun-
Morrison Supply Company (
Turney Lighting & Electric (
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