Business View Magazine
kindness, compassion and respect help create a heal-
ing and caring environment for all. It is through these
relationships that our residents receive the care and
support that they need. We remind our staff that they
have the ability to make every interaction count in de-
livering high quality care. . . ‘It’s not about me, but it
starts with me.’”
The complexity of client care is changing, requiring a
rapid development of skill sets in our care providers.
Ensuring our staff has the knowledge and skills to do
the job involves annual, mandatory education along
with supporting staff to continue their ongoing educa-
tional training.
“It can be a stressful job. We recognize the joys and
struggles of living and working compassionately in
health care. Residents may be dealing with a variety
of challenges such as chronic pain, increasing depen-
dency in care needs, and difficulties in processing the
events in their day due to dementia. Our staff supports
them throughout their entire stay at the Home. Even
at time of death our staff will accompany the family
and the deceased resident out of the facility recogniz-
ing the loss we all feel. We have a memorial service six
months after the death where family and care provid-
ers spend an evening to share memories. Recognizing
the impact of care delivery on our staff and supporting
them helps to nurture and heal our staff.”
Holy Family Home is motivated and inspired by the
SSMI Mission and Values. Our commitment to the resi-
dents is to deliver high quality care and service in a
loving environment.
To serve is to love. Amen to that.
SMS Engineering Ltd.