Business View Magazine
Manitoba Government, who will provide 90 percent of
the capital funding,” says Piché. “This $68.35 million
project will allow us to build 157 new resident rooms,
which includes a ’10-bed special needs unit’ for peo-
ple with challenging behaviors. The building is expect-
ed to be fully operational by the spring of 2018.
Holy Family Home Facts & Figures
* 400 full-time, part-time and casual employees.
* approx. 100 volunteers devoting 15,000 unpaid
hours per year.
* a full medical and clinical care team including physi-
cians, nursing and Allied Health resources.
* consulting geriatric psychiatrist.
Operating Expenses
Provincial government and WRHA provide 65 percent
of operational funding. 35 percent comes from resi-
dent per diems. Residents pay on a sliding scale of
$38 to $80/day, as determined by their last income
Jean R Piche CEO